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Notley, Tanya: Zhong, Hua Flora: Dezuanni, Michael: Gilbert, Sarah: Comparing children's and teens' news engagement practices and affective news experiences. [2023]
Beyersmann, Elisabeth: Wegener, Signy: Kemp, Nenagh: That's good news. Semantic congruency effects in emoji processing. [2023]
Syrjaemaeki, Aleksi H.: Ilves, Mirja: Isokoski, Poika: Kiskola, Joel: Rantasila, Anna: u.a.: Emotionally toned online discussions evoke subjectively experienced emotional responses. [2023]
Hamby, Anne: Motro, Daphna: Shawver, Zared: Gerrig, Richard: Examining readers’ emotional responses to stories. An appraisal theory perspective. [2023]
Lopatovska, Irene: Arora, Kirtika: Fernandes, Flita Veleny: Rao, Anjali: Sivkoff-Livneh, Simona: Stamm, Brianna: Experiences of the Ukrainian adolescents during the Russia-Ukraine 2022 war. [2022]
Verbeij, Tim: Beyens, Ine: Trilling, Damian: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Happiness and sadness in adolescents' Instagram direct messaging: A neural topic modelling approach. [2022]
Kuehne, Rinaldo: Poggiolini, Claudia: Wirth, Werner: The differential effects of related and unrelated emotions on judgments about media messages. [2021]
Kuelling, Celine: Waller, Gregor: Suter, Lilian: Bernath, Jael: Willemse, Isabel: u.a.: JAMESfocus. Hassrede im Internet. [2021]
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: MacClure, Elisabeth: Myers, Lauren J.: Zosh, Jennifer M.: Troseth, Georgene L.: u.a.: Zooming through development: Using video chat to support family connections. [2021]
Draga, Anne-Kathrin: Duerr, Antonia: Ermer, Christine: Hajok, Daniel: Herlan, Johanna: u.a.: Verschwoerungstheorien in Krisenzeiten. Populaere Meinungsfuehrer waehrend der COVID-19-Pandemie. [2021]
Marino, Claudia: Gini, Gianluca: Angelini, Federica: Vieno, Alessio: Spada, Marcantonio M.: Social norms and e-motions in problematic social media use among adolescents. [2020]
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